Film Grain


Street Art Krakow


Fountain Brataslava

The following photos I shot using a Leica R5 50 mm summicron lens. Photos with a lot of grain have a expressionistic quality to me. Here are some photos I shot utilizing fine grain and a larger grain. The following examples of photos are shot using different film stocks. The first shot was shot with Ilford XP 400 ASA pushed to 800 ASA. I like the heavy grain that surrounds the black and white mural which shows little grain do to the stark black and white image. I like the duality of one photo having heavy grain and fine grain. The second shot I used Delta 100 ASA. I like the use of fine grain here because the painting on the wall is delicate. Same is true in the following fountain shots. The third photo of the fountain was shot with Delta Pro 3200 ASA and the grain helps with the water spraying and adds to the low angle commanding subject mater. The final shot of the fountain was shot with Delta pro 100 ASA, delicate fine grain capturing the flesh and single spout of water. Same subject matters different grain approach for different visual effect.

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