Man in Park

Man In Park  

Man In Park was shot using a Leica R5 50 mm Summicron 1.8 lens with Ilford Delta 3200. It was shot under a grove of trees in Grant Park, Chicago on a very overcast afternoon in October. The only light source was the background light. A slight light on his neck giving an edge to the composition. The man was sleeping under a tree with a woman and a empty baby carriage . He approached me and asked for $20. I gave him $3 and asked to take his picture. He posed very quickly and gracefully. He then left with the woman walking south down Michigan Avenue with the empty baby carriage. After I took the photo I thought what a brilliant idea if you are a hustler. As a decoy dress smart and stroll with a baby carriage. Evening twilight or very overcast days in shadows Delta 3200 gives a great look.

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