Winter Color Double Exposures

CDE5 (1 of 1)

CDE6 (1 of 1)

CDE4 (1 of 1)

CDE3 (1 of 1)

Arch Stautues Lake

CDE2 (1 of 1)

CDE1 (1 of 1)

The following double exposures I shot with a Nikon f2 and a Nikon 28mm 1.8 lens using Kodak 100asa color film. The following double exposures where executed by shooting the whole roll of film instead of doing individual double exposures. The first images laid down where paintings and sculptures from the Art Institute Chicago (AIC). My idea was to take larger than life images and sculptures and place them outside the museum on Chicago’s landscape, buildings, bridges and parks. Repurpose the art and let it take on life outside the four walls of the museum.

After I completed the roll from the AIC I went in the darkroom and rewound the film annd then reloaded the film to shoot over it a second time. This is hit or miss since you never know if you are going to line the images up exactly. If you do not line the image up you will be shooting images over the middle of each frame. This roll decided to line up and I have perfectly calibrated double images.

The following four images are very direct bold and dynamic, with stories and visuals left up to interpretation by the viewer. Finally the last three images are very subtle and light. Presented are seven images from a fourteen image series.

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